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Do changes in commodity prices, interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, or weather jeopardize your bottom line? Would you like to offer your customers price protection, but you don’t know how to manage the risk? Or, are you simply feeling anxious about your current hedging program, uncertain of where to turn for answers?
Finally, it’s here: a practical, straightforward book on how to manage those uncertainties. It contains clear illustrations of how futures, options, and swaps work to curb risk. Written for a businessperson by a businessperson, this handbook explains:
– The mechanics of hedging
– How hedging protects wealth
– How to achieve more predictable earnings amid the unpredictable
– Specific examples of hedging
– Hedging opportunities and pitfalls
Hedging Demystified is an essential guide to any business that deals with commodities, debt, international trade, or weather. This primer on hedging brings clarity and direction to make your business more sustainable.
Available now in both print and e-book, complete with index, glossary, and links to helpful web pages.
To order, click here.
Note: This book was previously published as an e-book under the name Hedging Commodity Price Risk: A Small Business Perspective. In 2019, the content was published in print with an upgraded cover and a new title.